
Ana Cecília Vera


Logistics Team

MA student in International Education and Development – University of Sussex with a Chevening scholarship. Co-founder of the NGO ABC do Glória and alumnus of Vetor Brasil with six years of experience with educational policies.

Angela Boldrini


Content Co-coordinator

MSc Gender candidate at the London School of Economics and Political Science and Chevening Scholar. A staff reporter at Folha de S.Paulo, one of Brazil’s largest newspapers, hosts the podcasts Caso das 10 Mil, Sufrágio, and Brasil à Vista. In 2022, was a gender equality grantee of the Pulitzer Center for Crisis Reporting and was an UK delegate for CSW68, in the UN.

Be Zilberman


Content Team

Non-binary and neurodivergent artist and filmmaker. Founder of Purpurina Filmes, which produces LGBTQIA+ themed films, festivals, and shows. Vice-president of the Trans Audiovisual Professionals Association.

Daniela Celada


Content Team

LLM Candidate in Competition & Innovation at the London School of Economics (LSE) with a Chevening scholarship. Bachelor of Laws from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), with an exchange period at Universiteit Leiden, Netherlands. Works in antitrust law at the Public Prosecutor’s office within the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (MPF-CADE).

Edimilson Torres


Data Analyst

Master’s student in Applied Social Data Science at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). Federal public servant specialized in planning, public budgeting, and data analysis.

Etiene Martins


Content Team

Federal Judge (Brazil). PhD candidate, University of Oxford. LLM, Harvard Law School.

Fernanda Fischer


Communication Team

Currently pursuing a Master of laws – LLM in Legal Practice at BPP Law School. Brazilian Lawyer, registered at Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil (state of Santa Catarina).

Fernando Antunes


General Coordinator

Economist from USP and Master’s student in Public Administration at UCL. Career-focused on the interaction between the public and private sectors.

Gabriel Pesente


Partnerships Team

Environmental engineer and master’s student in Climate Change, Development, and Policy at the University of Sussex. Member of BRASFI (Brazilian Alliance for Sustainable Finance and Investment) and convenor of the working group on Nature-based Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation at ISINEG (International Standard Institute of the Next Generation).

Geovanna Requião


Content Team

Master’s student in International Development Management at the University of Westminster, London, United Kingdom, with a Chevening scholarship. Lawyer with over 6 years of experience. Specialized in Public Law, with extensive experience at the intersection of law and politics in the public sector.

Guilherme Magalhães


Partnerships Team

Lawyer with expertise in finance, holding an LL.B and a Minor in Economics from Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV-Rio). Master’s student in Law and Finance at the University of Oxford, Linacre College as an Instituto Ling Scholar. Committee member of the Oxford Sustainable Finance Student Society and a research assistant at the Oxford Sustainable Law Programme.

Helena Chalfon


Communication Team

Politics Undergraduate Student – King’s College London. Engaged with political theory in Latin America.

Iara Diniz


General and Communication Coordinator

Master’s student in Media and Politics at the University of Liverpool with a Chevening scholarship. Journalist with a decade of experience in newsrooms and political coverage. Former reporter of Agencia Lupa. Research interests include misinformation, electoral campaigns, and gender.

Isabella Miguel


Logistics Co-coordinator

Master’s student in International Human Rights Law – University of Oxford. Lawyer specialized in human rights, migration, and refugee law.

Ivan Vargas


Communication Team

MSc student at the Public Policy and Administration Programme at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), with a scholarship provided by the Ling Institute. In his 13-year career as a journalist, he covered politics and economics for the most relevant newsrooms in Brazil, such as O Globo, Época, Folha, Record, and Estadão. He holds an MA in International Relations from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB).

Jéssica Leite


Communication Team

Master’s student in Social Entrepreneurship at Goldsmiths, University of London. Over 10 years of experience in topics related to project management in entrepreneurship and social innovation. Volunteered in organizations focused on youth leadership development and in the largest network of students engaged in social impact causes in Brazil.

João Pedro Braga


Content Team

PhD candidate at the Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP) at University College London (UCL), conducts interdisciplinary research on addressing global disparities within the context of the climate crisis in emerging countries.

João Veras


Content Team

Master’s student at the University of Glasgow, in the International Master in Security, Intelligence and Strategic Studies. Anthropologist with experience with international cooperation programmes in the fields of social development, human rights, and climate & environmental cooperation.

Juliana Martins


Content Team

PhD candidate in Environmental Policy at Imperial College London and the Zoological Society of London holds a master’s degree in Conservation Project Management from the University of Kent (UK) and has an undergraduate degree in biological sciences from the University of Sao Paulo (USP).

Karoline Belo


Content Co-coordinator

Master of Public Policy candidate at the University of Oxford, with a Lemann Foundation Scholarship. Postgraduate in Public Management (Singularidades) and Bachelor in International Relations (UFRJ). Actively involved in promoting human rights and combating social inequalities, with a specific focus on ethnic-racial minorities and vulnerable populations.

Letícia Viana


Logistics Co-coordinator

Master’s student in Human Rights at the London School of Economics and Political Science, with a Chevening scholarship and a Bachelor’s in law from the Federal University of Paraíba. Researches the fight against human trafficking. She volunteered at NGOs focused on defending people in vulnerable situations.

Louis Mancini Pecnard


Logistics Team

Undergraduate student in Geography at UCL, committed to contributing to discussions and initiatives aimed at building a fairer and more sustainable world.

Lucimar Prata


Content Team

Master’s student in International Human Rights Law at the University of Sussex, owner of Prata & Lacerda Law Firm in Amazonas, and human rights defender in the Brazilian Amazon region, working more specifically with indigenous peoples and riverside communities in the face of human rights violations resulting from degradation, disasters, and environmental contamination.

Manuella Comerio


Communication Team

MSc candidate in Urban Analytics at the University of Glasgow and Chevening scholar. Experience in the third sector working at the intersection of education, climate change, and employability in the green economy.

Maria Helena Pessini


Finances Team

MA International Political Economy candidate at the University of Sussex with a Chevening scholarship. A lawyer specializing in labor and social security law. Content Writer for Politize!. Graduated in Law from the Catholic University of Santa Catarina.

Maria Luiza Campos


Institucional/Finances Coordinator

Graduated in Economics from the University of Brasília (UnB) and currently pursuing a master’s degree in Behavioral Science at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). Works as a Research Associate in the Department of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences at LSE, and facilitates institutional relations between the Brazil Forum UK and the LSE Student Union.

Mateus Viana


Logistics Team

Pursuits MSc Business with Business Analytics at Northumbria University. Economist and researcher in the area of ​​innovation and regional development.

Mauricio Fagundes


Logistics Team

Labour Inspector of Ministry of Labour and Employment (Brazil), master’s student in Applied Human Rights at the University of York.

Mayara Viana


Finances Coordinator

Chevening Scholar 23/24 and MA in Governance, Development, and Public Policy candidate at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) at the University of Sussex.

Max Almeida


Logistics Team

Holder of a Master’s degree in Political Science and International Relations from the Federal University of Paraiba. Currently pursuing a master’s degree at the University of Dundee in Sustainability, Climate Change, and Transition to Net-zero Economies.
Natália Lima


Partnerships Coordinator

Master’s student in the MSc Development Studies at SOAS, University of London with Chevening Scholarship. Business Administrator with specialization in Service Design. With 20 years of experience in Business and Finance, Service Design|Strategic and Social Innovation, working with public and private organizations in Brazil, developing projects in health, education, urban mobility, energy, and innovation culture, designing new public programs/services and businesses.

Nayara Albretch


Content Team

Postdoctoral research associate at Newcastle University. Holds a master’s and a PhD in Political Science from the University of Brasília. Conducted postdoctoral research at the University of São Carlos and Aston University. Served as a public servant at the Ministry of Culture from 2014 to 2020, holding various management positions.

Raissa Figueiroa


Logistics Team

Brazilian Doctor, currently enrolled in the master’s Programme of Internal Medicine at the University of Edinburgh.

Sara Freitas


Content Team

Master of Public Policy student at the University of Oxford and a Chevening Scholar. She holds an undergraduate degree in Public Administration from São Paulo State University (UNESP) and an MSc in Social Change and Political Participation from the University of São Paulo (USP). Researcher Fellow at the Oxford SDG Impact Lab.

Vitória Saito


Content Team

LL.M Candidate in IT and Data Law at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). Legal adviser and business consultant, a researcher in Information Technology Law, Privacy, and Data Protection. Bachelor of Laws at the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR).

Yasmin Lee

Partnerships Team

Master’s student in International Political Economy at King’s College London, with a bachelor’s degree in Politics with Business from Queen Mary University of London. Areas of focus include financial technology, Brazilian twin cities, and presently, sustainable urbanism.